Puppy Inquiry Form

Next litter planned for end of 2025

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the purchasing of a Golden Retriever puppy from me. All puppies that I breed are brought up in my home and specialized outdoor “puppy area” and are part of my family from the time they are born until they pack their bags at 8 weeks and leave to live with their forever families. Those forever families are chosen after careful consideration. This questionnaire is not meant to be intrusive but is used as a screening tool to assess if your family will best be suited to share your home and life with one of our precious puppies.

Golden Retrievers are social dogs that require being part of their family’s everyday lives. They need human and canine interaction, diverse activities and basic training to develop into well balanced and happy adults. I want to place my dogs in loving safe environments, with families that have a basic understanding of the needs of a puppy. Puppies grow up to be adults and each stage produces its own challenges which you need to consider when purchasing a puppy.

I strive hard to understand your needs, your circumstances and prepare you for years of devoted love and wonderful experiences a Golden Retriever will bring to your life.

As a devoted breeder I hope you understand that I only want the very best for my puppies and their forever families.


Please complete the questionnaire below.
I will contact you after I receive your form.

You should receive a reply from me within 48 hours, should you not hear from me, please first check your SPAM folder and if nothing there, email me on keridale57@gmail.com 

or ph/text 021 483 778

Completion of this form is not a guarantee of obtaining

a puppy from Keridale Golden Retrievers

Thank you for taking the time to carefully complete this questionnaire.

If you have any other questions/queries please do not hesitate to send them to my email address:  keridale57@gmail.com